This forum is a space for you to connect, ask questions, share - and whatever else you want to use it for - it’s for you! The forum is larger than our project. You are welcome to explore other categories, but make sure to come here if you want to communicate about the Ecovillage Resilience Project. Posts in this space can only be seen by other members of our Community of Practice.
Our forum space is divided into a few subcategories. For now, there are only two - introductions and resource library - but more will probably come. You can browse sub-categories by clicking on them above.
To create a new topic, post or thread, go to the section of the forum you want to post in (like introductions, resource library, or the overall project forum), and click the ‘New Topic’ button on the right. Give your topic a clear title, write your post, and click the ‘Create Topic’ button to submit it.
To reply to someone else’s topic, open the topic, then click ‘reply’.
If you have any questions about the space of how to use it, try putting them as a reply to this post.
If you prefer another language than English, try posting in your language. I recommend everyone to use the automatic translation function of your browser when needed. On my computer, using Chrome, I right-click anywhere on the screen and select ‘translate to …’ in the menu - like magic the text appears in another language.
Si vous préférez une autre langue que l’anglais, essayez de publier dans votre langue. Je recommande à tous d’utiliser la fonction de traduction automatique de votre navigateur en cas de besoin. Sur mon ordinateur, en utilisant Chrome, je fais un clic droit n’importe où sur l’écran et sélectionne “traduire en …” dans le menu - comme par magie, le texte apparaît dans une autre langue.
I’m so excited to be workin with all of you!