Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base - Cultural Share your celebrations, creative expression, and ways of connecting. Learn more about how ecovillages connect with culture and ask questions about the cultural aspect of community. Learn more here! Knowledge Base - Ecology Share your ecological wisdom! Do you have a blueprint for a solar oven? Wondering what the best solution for food waste is in your community? Burning to learn about biogas? Knowledge Base - Economy Examples of economic models in ecovillages, resources related to community economics, ask questions about regenerative abundance, and much more! Knowledge Base - Social Resources and information on the social aspect of ecovillages: CLIPS methodology, tools for governance, conflict resolution, decision-making, etc.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 244 30 September 2022
0 303 7 April 2022
0 339 7 April 2022
0 365 20 January 2022
0 361 20 January 2022